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A letter To The US Justice Department


The Dept. Of Justice

Criminal Division U.S. Department of Justice Washington, DC 20530

Respected Sir,

I'm again writing this letter to you in a very painful & abnormal condition, where I'm slowly getting invalidated and incapacitated for the last 16+ years through a very sophisticated non-consensual technological torture of non-lethal Neuroweapons & directed energy weapons going on in the guise of these issues and it’s false ramifications ...

This is called psychotronic torture & mind control, wherein the brain, nervous system and organs are slowly destroyed through electromagnetic weapons (emitting dangerous radio-waves, infrasound & acoustic waves, microwaves and harmful heat and chemical radiations) and through severe psychological torture. It's frightening to note that the brutality is rising exponentially over the years and I have reported to you about this incident earlier also ..

The electromagnetic technology works on the theory that the mind and body are an electro-magnetically mediated biophysics system and the electromagnetic signals from outside sources can mimic the mind and body's electromagnetic signals and can alter it in weird ways. The electromagnetic waves (radio waves, microwaves, sound & ultrasound waves) manipulate and alter brain frequency, way of functioning of neurotransmitters and hormones and causes immense damage to the whole system including, mental sanity and the whole nervous system... So please consider this appeal on all legal and humanitarian grounds ...

Millions of people all around the world have become victims of it and as a proof of evidence of such thing I present this site-link ..

I'm a also a pathetic victim of this technology for the last 16+ years and here is my public appeal in this regard in and my torture case testimonial in for your kind consideration in this regard ..Please know some important jargons of this crime in this regard in my site @ ..

In here I would also like to point on Human Subject Protection Program ( , and FISA & FISC rules for foreign country , so as to rule out all scope and provisions on me in this regard .. (

Also the HHS Rules & regulations regarding Human Subject Protection(45 CFR 46) is primarily to be brought into context in here.

I must stress on the Definition of Psychotronic (psycho-physical) weapons(Neuroweapon Category) in this context through which these kinds of crimes are going on :-

Psychotronic Weapons is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behaviour and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…” This is not only dangerous, this is deadly!”

I was targeted during my peaceful & law-abiding stay way back in US back in 1999 .. It started from a NY centre , although I was staying in NJ .. Even though I came back from there within a few months ,as I was traumatized and hospitalized for the same over there , the torture didn't stop and currently it's still going on from multiple centres of US , namely Texas, Washing DC, North & South Carolina , California and Alabama ..This Crime Gang has formed a deep base in India also , in West Bengal & Mumbai, India .. Here they have spread their tentacles in different parts of India and US ..

A few prime criminal masterminds in this regard are Mr. James Anderson (and his network in US ) , Arghya Ghose(and his company and associates In India & US ) ,Sanyantan, Robert, Jaya, Pratap, Pradip Sarkar , Pranab bose, Saikat/Budha(bulldog) & Shantanu Mukherjee Mr. Robertson(some US DoD agent and his network ), Mr. Andrews, Mr. Chadwick(and their network in US) and M/s Patel Consultants. This is the worst international mafia / underworld racket / ring that is fasley influencing and manipulating the world with a sick sex racket and a perverted police racket for mind control racketeering in the world..

But this might please be noted that no matter what some crook devil’s false perception and understanding about me was , and in any country no nothing could have been done against law & order and constitution .. This will make the highest chair accountable and responsible also in all terms .. Plus after I came back in India , US has no authority to operate on me in here , as this is outside their jurisdiction and scope .. I would also like to point out that for any experimentation Nuremberg Code is to be followed , where informed voluntary consent is a must .. Plus my justice could not have been denied for any reason especially as I have reported the incident properly and there is no such scope or provision of any such thing in India .. But authorities it seems are too corrupt and criminal to deny me a justice in here for so long and do crime-profiteering in filthy vested interest ..

Thus, this has eventually become a multi-trillion dollar’s scam, crime , conspiracy & scandal that is ruining humanity & civilization in its entirety with Mrs. Mamata Banerjee , the Chief Minister, West Bengal, India and The Mumbai Film stars (with Sharukh Khan as the worst scamster & criminal ) are the worst criminals in this respect..Mr. Barrack Obama is also involved in a fraudulently & criminal way in this scam along with Mr. Narendra Modi, the PM of India falsely involved in this respect .. This is hugely affecting the world in political, economical & humanitarian way & making the world a false , reverse and arranged world full of corruption and crime to serve the interest of this criminal mafia gang who is trying to hold a terroristic power over the world and it’s citizens ..

This is against the law & order and constitution of both the countries , no false fabricated issue could have justified any action on me in either country .. Also the code of Human experimentation is always Nuremberg Code ( where Informed Consent is a must and

These are seriously chargeable crime in India under Indian Penal Code Sections 144, 107, 120B, 323/325, 304, 307, 334-338,292, 292A, 166, 166A, 499, 503, 511 etc. to say the least ...Also this is a against constitution of India violating article 21, 14, 17,19 ...For officers in Uniform or on high chair also it is seriously chargeable for criminal misuse and abuse of power, position and office, for gross human rights crime, crime against constitution, and also for Section IPC 166, 166A, 166B, 167 and many more...

For US nationals , Title 18 USC Section 241, Section 242, Section 2261A, Section 2340A , Section 2332h , HR 1160 , HR 2977 ,Michigan House Bill 4513, Pubic act no 256, Michigan House Bill 4514, Public Act No 257, are all applicable ..CAT conventions are also very much applicable in here in this context ..

Please look at this link @ to have an idea about how to stop the crime ..

Also, the Articles that gets violated as par Universal Declaration of Human Rights in this respect are:-

Article 1, Right to equality: Article 2, Freedom from discrimination: Article 3, Right to life, liberty and personal security: You have the right to live, to be free and to feel safe. Article 4, Freedom from slavery: Nobody has the right to treat you as a slave, and you should not make anyone your slave. Article 5, Freedom from torture and degrading treatment: Nobody has the right to torture, harm or humiliate you. Article 12, Freedom from interference with privacy, family, home and correspondence: You have the right to be protected if someone tries to harm your good name or enter your house, open your mail or bother you or your family without good reason. Article 18, Freedom of thought, conscience and religion: Article 30, Freedom from interference in these human rights: No person, group or government anywhere in the world should do anything to destroy these rights.

So, I sincerely wish that this letter gets it’s due importance right away as my life is in great danger as it’s an intentional and deliberate effort to falsely murder and ruin my life in here in the fear of getting exposed in a grand way ..

Please realize that, what I'm looking for in here is a normal life - a life like billions of you out there ; i.e. a life that is free and fare from all directions, Hence, I demand an immediate stop on all such activities that is taking my life, living , livelihood, dignity and all away for the last so many years .. I request suitable tort compensation & crime compensation on violation of fundamental rights, privacy rights, constitutional and civil rights that caused a huge loss and damage in my life and it’s related areas for the last so many years.. My Affidavit of Truth and Statement Of Claim documents regarding this, are attached herewith for your kind perusal ..

Respectfully Yours,

Deb Chakraborty

13/6, Dr. Nilmani Sarkar Street,


Kolkata - 700090



Their secret crime den is in Notunpara/Notunpur, South Parganas, West Bengal , India and in it's adjacent places ..(i.e. Notunpara/Notunpur,Saritpur Swarupnagar,Michealnagar, Kultali & Tnetultala area)..The Govt in Bengal/India is running a deep corruption and crime in here, with crime centers in Bengal(Bhowanipur, Alipore,Zee Bangla TV Studio Area, Tollyguange Studio para) & India (Mumbai especially as the biggest underworld crime centre ) , to make it appear as any true to anyone ..It's a Grand crime hoax and a Grand gimmick in here and is an ultimate scam, crime and scandal..It's a by-product of joint crime and conpiracy of Bengal/Obama Govt in US , who running the absurd , perverted , "murder-sex show" in here for black money, black sex, black power, black publicity and black profit ..(In US, New York, Texas, North Carolina & White House are prime crime centres for this crime) ..All the Govts , West Bengal/India and US Govt especially have gone dead corrupt & criminal over this are have become a WMD (Weapons Of Mass destruction) state ..


Deb Chakraborty

13/6, Dr. NIlmani Sarkar Street,


Kolkata - 700090


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