Dev Chakraborty
project manager for hire

Indian Govt Can't Justify Any Mind Control Or Surveillance Activity
These are difficult propositions in Indian Scenario because of the following points put forth in here..
No Govt. Initiative can justify any such Surveillance or Mind Research activity (in any Govt Research Institute or University even) that can claim any such thing ..Any RTI (Right To Information) enquiry would never reveal any such undertakings either . ..No undertakings like Mass surveillance program or Directed Energy Weapon Development program exists currently ( in this context) and any such future undertaking is getting considered for defence application only and not on civilians ..
No such technology patents exist anywhere and no defence deal and license to use any such thing exists ..
India is not a military state like US and not ruled by a dictatorial Presidential Govt. , who takes charge of Military Operations too ..
No matter what Germany and Hitler used to do in dictatorial form in earlier days , India could not have copied any such thing to impose on us in here .. And this is just the sophisticated form of concentration camp in digital disguise ..So no doubt that this can't be imposed on us for anything on earth .. It goes against our law & order and constitution to begin with ...
Both USA Patriot Act and NDAA are idiotic excuses of ruling and Mind Control is a false exuse of world domination theory that are approved and applied in false interest ..These are no way present in here for anything ...Many Scientists like Robert Duncan, Defence Researchers like Barry Trower and many NSA, FBI and CIA activists like John Akwei , Ted Gunterson and Edward Snowden etc. has exposed the danger of the technology and evilness of the concept and its details for US get nullified on this ...Many documents and videos in public domain exists for gathering all such knowledge that will not fox us against the tall talks of the Devil crooks in the name of Science and world and it’s ruling in particular ...
For any kind of human experimentation , international code like Nuremberg Code is reqd. to be followed, that clearly says that voluntary consent of human subjects are necessary for any such experimentation ...Plus India never have any such policy or rules for applying any such instruments/technology in here and on civilians in their own home and their own life .....
Supreme Court in India has declared the Mind Invasive Technology to be inhuman, cruel, degrading and unconstitutional, without consent ..
So, may I say this on behalf of all the suffereres out there , that no matter what and no matter who you are you can't do this to anyone and for anything on earth ..Statistical Evidences throughout the world are good enough of a proof of application of such technology on human beings ..It is prinicpally & legally absurd in all terms of civilization & humanity ..
NB : Whoever still doesn’t believe in the existence of such technology please look the following patents: US5356368, US7272565, US6006188, US5352181, US6011991, US6443890, US20070018810, US7784390, and look in the public domain for all kinds of evidences against usage of such technolgy on human beings ..