Dev Chakraborty
project manager for hire

Final Words
For all and everything on & against my life for the last 16+ yrs., I challenged all & sundry on the following grounds :-
Existence of any remote machine/machinery in my life and your involvement in there ..
The legality & the mechanism involved in any such application and any authorization or permission in all law & rights terms ..
Justify your existence and activity in my life so as to earn any talk about it ..Purchased & Conspired hearsays will not do it for me ..
I challenge you for the duration of any activity in any such way also ..
The ways and means defines the crime and the activities of the participants describes their quality & class .. I mean what will you do in this circumstances when a person is crying out in distress and despair and dying slowly right in front of your eyes , because of your sick perverted illegal & criminal and nonsense activity in there …You evaluate it for yourself of where exactly you might belong ..
If you agreed to any of these I charge you duly with criminal violation of law & rights , jurisdiction and codes , ethics, morality & integrity , duty , responsibility & accountability grounds ..I also do charge you with murder conspiracy & murder attempt, criminal exploitation , provocation ,
Public/ criminal incitement of hatred & crime- profiteering with criminal neglect , bias & blind criminal nepotism ..IT was a forcible rob way of my life , living , livelihood , health, dignity , due wealth & reputation for the last so many years , that is unjust, undue, unlawful & unconstitutional .. Hence I demand full compensation on all due grounds ..
NB :
I had no primary complaints against me or no civil, public or personal incidence in any country that was ever informed to me and made me responsible to any extent in due time through due process of law .. And any such conspiratory and manufactured/fabricated rubbish can’t come against all truth in here , in terms of civil & criminal loss & damage jn my life in all these years & my demand for compensation as an organized hate crime victim of absurd magnitude , who has lost his precious 17 yrs of his life and the due future too ..
No one could have used, misused or abused me , my name or my life for any excuse . Your false perception & talks about me in vested criminal interest will surely not be taken into account in the context ..
The false gimmicks & hoax in the name of Science & research and all are pure lies & pure trash , so no talk can be made on that basis ..They are all big-time criminals and liars who are just fooling & foxing the world in vested criminal interest with Organized crime syndication & sex syndication ..