Dev Chakraborty
project manager for hire

Be Cautioned , Be Charged !!
Your ways and means , activity and duration and the impact thereof in my life and life matters, through this remote brain-manipulation technology made you accountable and responsible in criminal terms for every second of your artificial existence in my life .
And I charge you for that in serious terms for punishment and compensation in all due terms , and on all due grounds ..
I challenged you for your identity, purpose and entitlement in my life and you had to present it within a limited time .. You didn’t do that and thereby made yourself accountable in pronounced terms , as reported in my crime complaint letters or openly in my web-site ..So, you are hereby being made crminally accountable & responsible on all due grounds and on all due counts ..
Science was used for making weapon-based technology long back. So nothing new in here . It’s all about that technology and it’s effects in all spheres of my life and in the life of those surrounding me ..You are manipulating , poisoning & murdering all that in the evil guise of Science & technology and ruining my life unnecessarily , unduly, unjustly and unlawfully ..
It’s been a story of criminal conspiracy with criminal exploitation with random crime attempts on my life and belongings and false justification of such thing with criminally imposed trash & lies .
Mind Control Regime in simple terms, is actually a criminal imposition of “hell” in someone’s life with false criminal supposition of authority & ruling myths ..
So, I deny, defy, decry and denounce it all with full knowledge of things that are important in the context ..I pre-empted the concept and precluded the possibilities of any such thing that will deny me of a worthy life and it’s dues ..
You criminals haven’t earned any trust or respect with me in here and no one was ever worth a thought also , and I go by the Nazi Pig Theorem for you all ..
So, in terms of knowledge, information, awareness , principles, values, beliefs, values , integrity , righteousness & in terms of humanity and all, I rate you and your instructors very low and would prefer their exemplary punishment in this context ..A heavy compensation & damage amount can be an alternative for some ..
NB : Your hypothetical nonsense about my life and worth doesn’t get determined by any trash like that .. It’s a manufactured lie-rubbish and fabricated tech-gimmick , that is a huge hoax , created and maintained in vested criminal interest for crime –profiteering purpose ..Lot of people got fooled & foxed by the “glittery gimmick” show and were subscribing to it in filthy vested interest .. they are no-way any say on my life anyway , as in vested interest anyone can say or do anything for their own benefit ..And no one had any right , authority and entitlement in there either .. False opinion made in vested interest also doesn’t count for a thing in either ..
Rights Are Always Right
Individual right is more than Govt. rights.
As individuals are human beings born free and equal in all respect and lives with dignity, conscience & reasons , as they have something called “intellect” that makes them different from animals, who can’t think high and complex things and decide things that are reasonable and acceptable to a civilization ..
Whereas, Govt. is a public office made out of public money for providing different service to them , in different capacity ..Hence they are called public servants ..They might have executive officers in their hierarchy to make their internal operation hassle free and for their responsibility areas to be demarcated , as like in any private office ..
They get paid out of public money , to make it a self-sustaining mechanism of civilization , where everyone has got their own duty, responsibility, accountability & obligations towards others & to the society as a whole ..
Now , in here you perps have crossed my body rights(inc. habeas corpus) , civil rights, home & privacy rights, life & liberty rights , health rights , security rights and other human rights, environment rights and constitution principles (like freedom, equality, justice, liberty and dignity) ..This demands a tort compensation and crime compensation along with restoration of all due rights, on your part..
On Ruling & Governance
Humanity rules, justice governs and wisdom runs this world
Everyone has got some limits or boundaries and limitations, and we all obey the rules and regulations set in the books , in terms of laws & rights , constitution & codes ..
This is true for public as well any public servants , and even more true for Govt servants .. Govt servants are more bound to such kind of things and are more responsible and accountable for happenings in people’s lives ..
So they can’t play the arbitrator in here , and try to rule the rules and regulate the regulations , makes illegal things legal and make rights appear as wrongs , to serve their purpose ..
We don’t have any trust and respect for that kind of “entity” playing devil in vested interest . That’s not acceptable in any terms …
On Duty , Responsibility & Accountability
· I have made you criminally accountable and responsible for every second of your illegal invasion in my life , and complained all about it to the authorities consistently and persistently regarding it, to make the truth undeniable ..
· I have made an affidavit of truth in this regard , where I stand by for the truth , I am writing about for so long .
· I have made a statement of claim also for the loss and damage caused in my life due to this extreme wrongdoing .Here I try to enunciate and substantiate the matter in details ..
· I tried to make it compulsory and obligatory for you in many ways for both the things (i.e. free and fare life claim & compensation )
· The concept of Mind Control is vicious & devilish and the effects are potentially dangerous and deadly ..
In short , it would mean false brain manipulation & steal, rape, rob, oppress, target & murder of an individual, who is getting isolated & traumatized all along through clever psy-op techniques and tactics .
Can’t think about such a concept and it’s existence for any good of the world ..
So for me and you and for the world & humanity at large , it should have been banned & preempted as a provision long back ..
I go by the “books” and not by your names Sir .. I am not supposed to be influenced and manipulated by some wrong values and beliefs that is running the current chair .. The principles like integrity, righteousness, morality, code and constitution remains the same for all , and in the oath taking ceremony , we try to guarantee things in that order .. But we trust you Sir, up to as certain extent as long as we understand that you are doing it right and in the right way ..
So you can’t rule the rules and regulate the regulations , makes illegal things legal and legal things illegal and make the rights appear as wrong Sir .. Here I go by the simple principle of evil, “See no EVIL , Hear no EVIL and Do no EVIL “, :) . Ain’t so friends?
“Equal Justice Under Law”
NB : One important value in American society is that everyone has equal justice under the law. Another important idea is the “rule of law.” The rule of law means that everyone must obey the law and no one is above the law. This means that the government and its leaders must also obey the law.