Dev Chakraborty
project manager for hire

Dear Residents,
This is to inform you all about an illegal & criminal activity going on in Kolkata & West Bengal for long and esp. in some of the Offices , Private Houses and big Radio & TV Stations & studios of Kolkata & Mumbai .. A huge crime & sex racket is influencing & purchasing many people of the city & it's suburbs through a false gimmick and hoax of a new technology, called Mind Control Technology. .... They are bribing people with black money & black sex benefits to subscribe to it falsely and in vested criminal interest.
They are actually supplying unknown devices with false pretences in this regard, and are manipulating people very wrongly for it They might have supplied it to some influential people or party members and some of the radio stations & TV stations (or Tollywood & Bollywood stars) also, in filthy vested interest .But, I’m getting badly murdered and ruined through this false technology for years ..
So, please know for sure that , these kinds of unknown remote life invasive devices are both illegal & criminal , and any usage of it in private life in both criminal & defamatory.. Manufacturing & using of these devices are strictly prohibited in here, in West Bengal and in India. Using of these violates basic rights & laws including constitutional rights of protection to life & liberty (Article 21) .. . So, if you have got any news of any technology that can invade human life anyway, please seize & destroy those, knowing such things as highly criminal .. Please see details of the crime story against my life and through this, in my web-site( ) ..
I would really appreciate any help and support from your end in this regard..
Deb Chakraborty
13/6, Dr. NIlmani Sarkar Street,
Kolkata - 700090
[ NB : It's getting run by an international Crime & Sex Racket, for the last 16 yrs. in here.. They are running a sophisticated Hi-Tech Crime & Murder on me through an unknown technology called Mind Control Technology, that is both devilish & criminal. Current Govt is involved in this criminal scam crime & scandal... ]
Deb Chakraborty
13/6, Dr. NIlmani Sarkar Street,
Kolkata - 700090
email :
web-site :-