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V2K (Voice To Skull) Torture

Imagine a weapon that creates sound that only you can hear. Science fiction? No, this is one area that has a very solid basis in reality. US Air Force has experimented with microwaves that create sounds in people's head (which they've called a possible psychological warfare tool), and American Technologies can "beam" sounds to specific targets with their patented HyperSound Now the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is jumping on the bandwagon with their new "Sonic Projector" program.

For about 30 years, anti-personnel directed energy devices have been feasible that cause targeted individuals to hear voices (and other sounds) that other people near the targeted individuals cannot hear. The voices can be loud enough to be consciously audible, or so quiet that they have whatever effect they have subliminally. V2K weapons can inflict their effects upon their victims through solid brick and stone walls.

The United States of America's Army's "Military Thesaurus" defines "Voice to skull" (V2K) devices as follows:

"Voice to skull device is a Non-lethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device that uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of persons or animals. NOTE: the sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. . Acronym: V2K".

V2K weapons fall within a class of weapons, those that “might enable any form of manipulation of human beings”, of which the European Parliament called for a worldwide ban, in 1999. For reasons of so-called “national security”, questions to the UK government remain unanswered, about the availability of such weapons to the public and private sectors nowadays..

The device - dubbed MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) - exploits the microwave audio effect, in which short microwave pulses rapidly heat tissue, causing a shockwave inside the skull that can be detected by the ears. A series of pulses can be transmitted to produce recognizable sounds.(Please note that, V2K Torture can be done with Neurophones also.)

These kinds of non-lethal weapons are often used in Mind Control, to produce a feeling of "gang-raping" a person's brain .....Some victim tries to describe his personal experience with Mind Control in this way ...

"Like a nail being slowly hammered the head gets beat. Beaten and beaten till you can't make it. Your brain is being destroyed, bit by bit. Noise in your ears seems to come from contact with microwaves. Implants that respond to microwaves.The RNA structure of your brain is being changed by microwaves, slowly but surely. The clever hypnotist has a hold of you like a wash rag. he'll ring you out till your used up! WELCOME TO HELL .."


PROOF - Microwaves in Remote Neural Monitoring

1. Brain Invaders By Jesse Ventura

2. Microwave Voices in Skull

3. Coast To Coast - Electronic Harassment Special (Esp. Mile Johnston Interview)

4. Mind Control and Silent Sound Spectrum 5. SSSS and HDTv Conspiracy

Brain damage risk

James Lin of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Illinois in Chicago says that MEDUSA is feasible in principle.

He has carried out his own work on the technique, and was even approached by the music industry about using microwave audio to enhance sound systems, he told New Scientist.

"But is it going to be possible at the power levels necessary?" he asks. Previous microwave audio tests involved very "quiet" sounds that were hard to hear, a high-power system would mean much more powerful - and potentially hazardous - shockwaves.

"I would worry about what other health effects it is having," says Lin. "You might see neural damage."

My Own Experience with this kind of torture

This is the most sophisticated form of "psychological murder" one can think of, and is used to threaten me criminally and to destroy my brain and nerves intentionally & completely to a vegetative state..To begin with, this was draconian violation of privacy, life and liberty, & in fact, in a nutshell, in one fell swoop, it criminally violates all human rights that a human being is entitled to.

Even though it sounds weird to the common people, it’s a fact that, I get tortured the most by faceless voices inside my head (and I'm not a psychiatric patient), that continuously negates & manipulate my thought process and weakens and exhausts my brain and nerves through remotely operated technologies as mentioned above. My mind is always a battlefield in here, and my brain just "gasps" every second to take a breath and it seems like that these are just suffocating my brain to “death”. I remain helplessly mentally handicapped in this condition. The perpetrators do it intentionally and increase the severity when it counts the most. They don’t even let me sleep at night. This pushes me towards acute depression, mental retardation and insanity almost. This is so intolerable that someone who has not gone through it can’t even imagine. This continuous torture on my brain & nerves may result in permanent insanity, brain embolism, cerebral hemorrhage etc.

Other Victim's Experiences: -

“Electromagnetic radiation communication of sound has been used against me 24/7 for three years and four months starting in February 2001 no matter where I am located. A key person involved is well known to me, so there are no mystery voices here.

It's interesting to note that this is pulsed which drops part of the frequency used down to the level of brain wave frequency which can be as a low as 10 Hertz.

The new UK TETRA system for police communications pulses at about 17 Hertz and is generating fears of what this will do to the brains of the officers using these mobile phones. Pulsing the high frequency microwave transmission allows multiple phone calls to be sent like packets on the Internet.

The basic high frequency drives the electromagnetic radiation deep into the brain while the pulsing of that transmission at the incredibly low rate matches the brain wave frequency which, I suspect, is what results in the ability to hear.

This could prove to be quite harmful and lethal in many instances. It's not exactly a "Non Lethal Weapon" and is an instrument of torture interrogation with lethal consequences from its usage. It is not being used for just scaring birds away.

Another Victim's Experience

Inhibition of thought: drowsiness, inability to recall words, or think incoherently are the most noticeable effects of thought inhibition. Perps block thoughts from surfacing by yanking me every time I show a tendency to "think." It's usually when the feeling you get that you know you're about to think out something. What happens when they do that to every thought that surface is that my brain can't focus and process anything that my senses receive. I can still try to process information, but then they will yank harder to distract me or bending my feet continuously when I still sit there and try to think. Apparently when the brain is not active, it starts to feel drowsy. They can only block the ability to recall word IF I'm not familiar with the word. I learn language much later so to remember the meaning of some of the word, sometimes I had to recall the words use in some situation. Apparently recalling some of the words using over and over again is much easier than some other, and distracting someone from remembering something that they already had trouble remember is easier than some other word that the brain is more familiar with. Zoning out helps the brain to recall events happened, therefore, sometimes they blink my eyes continuously to snap my brain into that state where my brain is restricted to the point where I can't think of everything else or recalling anything or making connection between the things I see with my eyes. Usually the brain can make an association when it sees a stimuli with something that is familiar with something it "sees" before (an example of this is that people usually claim :"you reminds me of someone I know.."). For every association, reacalling that the brain makes, they deliver pain (sharp pain) enough to make me sitting still not thinking up of anything for hours and hours. Apparently when you don't know, when your subject will passively recall facts to make a connection and tell the pattern, the best thing to do is to inhibit everything. Delivering pain after every thought however, may make the subject sitting still and blank. Somehow I still manage to write some things up here which implies distraction only work at a certain levels, it may weaken the signal but it does not quench it completely.

Surveillance: A Most Unreasonable Search and Seizure

Satellite surveillance is a most unreasonable search and seizure by totally invading the privacy of an individual as it "steals" everything it observes including all personal and private activities, documentation and anything which might be available in the private life of that individual. Furthermore, the surveillance activity can be used to shutdown and stop legitimate free exercise of rights and responsibilities by an individual by interfering with the very life and activity processes it purports to observe.

The worst aspect of surveillance activity is its perversion by an abuse of its power wherein it is used to create the very outcome which it purports to be objectively observing."

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