The Crime Effects Of Mind Control:-
These are some of common symptoms of the individuals targeted experiencing this technology:-
1). Microwave hearing and torture with intense loud electronic sounding noise
2). Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations
3). Manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, perceptions
4). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission
of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands
5). Reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities
6). Debilitation of mental acuity, inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and
7). Loss of memory and knowledge
8). Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before
(states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on)
9). Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep
10). Blurred vision
11). Cramps, seizures and spasms
12). Excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body, for example, heart attacks and other
Please clink on this link to get some more idea about TI symptoms and all..
Reported mind control symptoms and descriptions also include: “a slow death,” “unbelievably sophisticated,” “vicious, amoral, sadistic, and cruel,” .Symptoms can be depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behavior, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer... Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Human behavior and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EMF radiation.Victims from all over the world have contacted Mind Justice with reports of being targeted with mind control technologies, although approximately 75% of victims are American and Russian.
Victims are subjected to various kinds of harassment and torture, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for years on end. Most believe that some type of technology can remotely track, target, and control every nerve in their bodies. Heart and respiration rate can speed up and slow down, and stomach and bowel functions are regulated. Illnesses and all types of pain can turn on and off in an instant. Microwave burns are reported. Sleep deprivation is common and dreams are manipulated. Victims say, “They [whoever] is targeting them] can see through my eyes, what I see.” Sometimes victims describe seeing the images of projected holograms. Thoughts can be read. Most victims describe a phenomenon they call “street theater.” For example, people around the victim have repeated verbatim, the victim’s immediate thoughts, or harassive and personalized statements are repeated by strangers wherever the victim may go. Emotions can be manipulated. Microwave hearing, known to be an unclassified military capability of creating voices in the head, is regularly reported.19 Implanted thoughts and visions are common, with repetitive themes that can include pedophilia, homophobia and degradation. Victims say it is like having a radio or TV in your head. Less frequently, remote and abusive sexual manipulation is reported. Almost all victims say repetitive behavior control techniques are used and include negative, stimulus-response or feedback loops.
Some type of outside force can strike heavy blows to any object, or set any object including the body into strong vibration while nearby objects are not vibrating at all. Wrenching of house/building structures cause loud snapping or crackling noises, often heard at precisely the point where a victim is starting to doze off to sleep. Victims regularly report many types of bizarre and harassive remote manipulation of electrical equipment, phone, car, TV, and computers. Mail tampering is reported as well. Black bag intelligence tactics--tire slashing, break-ins without burglary but at times including sabotaged, modified items also appear on the list of invasions.
Victims agree: the experience of mind control phenomena is vicious, amoral, sadistic, and cruel. Most victims describe the experience as very debilitating and compare it to mental rape, an electronic prison, or total destruction of the quality of their lives. Many have been labeled mentally ill and live with financial ruin, loss of health, social life, and career. Victims theorize that the goal of the experiments would appear to be the development of weapons to neutralize the enemy, without killing them. All say the technology is unbelievably sophisticated and effective. To them, it is like a slow death
Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation
(Radiowaves and Microwaves) :-
Studies done in these araes have shown that microwave
frequencies similar to those of the cellular phones can
cause health problems in the following areas:
Imagine waht it does to our health for stronger
frequencies (microwave , radiowave or millimeter wave/
other ELF waves.
Cardiovascular System.
Central Nervous System.
Digestive System.
Visual System.
Internal Sound Perception.
Microwave Targeting and Brain Dysfunction
A Targeted Individual (TI) experiences brain function disruption due Directed Energy Weapon application. The effects of this Electromagnetic Harassment are analogous to symptoms of patients with traumatic brain injuries. The number and nature of the effect depends on the part of brain that is targeted. The effects can be devastating and deadly , as brain and nerves are the most precious and sensitive parts of a human being anyway …Depending oon the target area the TIs experiences different effects ..
Target - Frontal Lobe:
• Inability to plan a sequence of complex movements needed to complete multi-stepped tasks, such as making coffee (Sequencing).
• Loss of spontaneity in interacting with others.
• Loss of flexibility in thinking.
• Persistence of a single thought (Perseveration).
• Inability to focus on task (Attending).
• Mood changes (Emotionally Labile).
• Changes in social behavior.
• Changes in personality.
• Difficulty with problem solving.
• Inability to express language (Broca's Aphasia).
• Loss of simple movement of various body parts (Paralysis).
Target - Parietal Lobe: near the back & top of the head:
• Inability to attend to more than one object at a time.
• Inability to name an object (Anomia).
• Inability to locate the words for writing (Agraphia).
• Problems with reading (Alexia).
• Difficulty with drawing objects.
• Difficulty in distinguishing left from right.
• Difficulty with doing mathematics (Dyscalculia).
• Lack of awareness of certain body parts and/or surrounding space that leads to difficulties in self-care (Apraxia).
• Inability to focus visual attention.
• Difficulties with eye and hand coordination.
Target - Occipital Lobes: most posterior, at the back of the head:
• Defects in vision (Visual Field Cuts).
• Difficulty with locating objects in environment.
• Difficulty with identifying colors (Color Agnosia).
• Production of hallucinations.
• Visual illusions - inaccurately seeing objects.
• Word blindness - inability to recognize words.
• Difficulty in recognizing drawn objects.
• Inability to recognize the movement of object (Movement Agnosia).
•Difficulties with reading and writing.
Target - Temporal Lobes: side of head above ears:
• Difficulty in recognizing faces (Prosopagnosia).
• Difficulty in understanding spoken words (Wernicke's Aphasia).
• Disturbance with selective attention to what we see and hear.
• Difficulty with identification of, and verbalization about objects.
• Short term memory loss.
• Interference with long term memory.
• Increased and decreased interest in sexual behavior.
• Inability to categorize objects (Categorization).
• Right lobe damage can cause persistent talking.
• Increased aggressive behavior.
Target - Brain Stem: deep within the brain:
• Decreased vital capacity in breathing, important for speech.
• Difficulty swallowing food and water (Dysphagia).
• Difficulty with organization/perception of the environment.
• Problems with balance and movement.
• Dizziness and nausea (Vertigo).
• Sleeping difficulties (Insomnia, sleep apnea).
Target - Cerebellum: base of the skull:
• Loss of ability to coordinate fine movements.
• Loss of ability to walk.
• Inability to reach out and grab objects.
• Tremors.
• Dizziness (Vertigo).
• Slurred speech (Scanning Speech)
• Inability to make rapid movements.
Most Common Known ELF Effects
Here is a list of most of the common effects. It is intended to show how the various induced stress effects are broken down. Indent levels are used to show categories and sub-categories:
Invasive At-a-Distance Body Effects (including mind):
Sleep deprivation and fatigue:
Silent but instantaneous application of "electronic caffeine" signal, forces awake and keeps awake
Loud noise from neighbors, usually synchronized to attempts to fall asleep
Precision-to-the-second "allowed sleep" and "forced awakening"; far too precise and repeated to be natural
Daytime "fatigue attacks", can force the victim to sleep and/or weaken the muscles to the point of collapse
Audible Voice to Skull (V2S):
Delivered by apparent at a distance radio signal
Made to appear as emanating from thin air
Voices or sound effects only the victim can hear
Inaudible Voice to Skull (Silent Sound):
Delivered by apparent at a distance radio signal;
Manifested by sudden urges to do something/go somewhere you would not otherwise want to
Silent (ultrasonic) hypnosis presumed
Programming hypnotic "triggers" - i.e., specific phrases or other cues which cause specific involuntary actions
Violent muscle triggering (flailing of limbs):
Leg or arm jerks to violently force awake and keep awake
Whole body jerks, as if body had been hit by large jolt of electricity
Violent shaking of body; seemingly as if on a vibrating surface but where surface is in reality not vibrating
Precision manipulation of body parts (slow, specific purpose):
Manipulation of hands, forced to synchronize with closed-eyes but FULLY AWAKE vision of previous day; very powerful and coercive, not a dream
Slow bending almost 90 degrees BACKWARDS of one toe at a time or one finger at a time
Direct at-a-distance control of breathing and vocal cords; including involuntary speech iv.
Spot blanking of memory, long and short term
Reading said-silently-to-self thoughts:
Engineered skits where your thoughts are spoken to you by strangers on street orReal time reading sub vocalized words, as while the victim reads a book and BROADCASTING those words to nearby people who form an amazed audience around the victim
Direct application of pain to body parts:
Hot-needles-deep-in-flesh sensation
Electric shocks (no wires whatsoever applied)
Powerful and unquenchable itching, often applied precisely when victim attempts to do something to expose this "work"
"Artificial fever", sudden, no illness present vs. sudden racing heartbeat, relaxed situation
Surveillance and tracking:
Thru-wall radar and rapping under your feet as you move about your apartment, on ceiling of apartment below
Thru-wall radar used to monitor starting and stopping of your urination - water below turned on and off in sync with your urine stream
Loud, raucous artificial bird calls everywhere the victim goes, even into the wilderness.
Invasive Physical Effects at a Distance (non-body):
Stoppage of power to appliances (temporary, breaker ON)
Manipulation of appliance settings
Temporary failures that "fix themselves"
Flinging of objects, including non-metallic
Precision manipulation of switches and controls
Forced, obviously premature failure of appliance or parts
External Stress-Generating "Skits":
Participation of strangers, neighbors, and in some cases
close friends and family members in harassment:
Rudeness for no cause
Tradesmen always have "problems", block your car, etc.
Purchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
Unusually loud music, noise, far beyond normal
Break-ins/sabotage at home:
Shredding of clothing
Destruction of furniture
Petty theft
Engineered failures of utilities
Sabotage at work:
· Repetitive damage to furniture
· Deletion/corruption of computer files
· Planting viruses which could not have come from your computer usage pattern
· Delivered goods delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
· Spreading of rumors, sabotage to your working reputation
· Direct sabotage and theft of completed work; tradesmen often involved and showing obvious pleasure
In summary, the effects include:
To the Brain:
· Forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions
· Induced changes to hearing. Both apparent direction and volume, and sometimes even content
· Reading and broadcasting thoughts. "How can that lady talk with her mouth closed?"
· Vivid controlled dreams.
· Forced waking visions: some synched with forced body motion
· Microwave hearing
· Sleep prevention each nigh, at exactly the same time (for weeks)
To the Face:
· Sudden violent itching inside eyelids
· Forced manipulation of airways, including externally controlled forced speech
· "Transparent eyelids"
· Artificial tinnitus (ringing in ears)
· Forced movement of jaw and clacking of teeth
To the Body:
· Wilding racing heart without cause
· Remotely induced violent no-rash itching
· Forced nudging of arm during delicate or messy work causing injury or spills
· Forced "muscle quaking" on large muscles on the back or other unexplainable vibrations
· Cases of repeated fresh watch batteries dying
· Forced precision manipulation of hands. Sometimes synched to the forced waking visions.
· Special attention to genital area: itching, forced orgasm, intense pain, "hot needles"
· Intense general pain in the legs, like stings.
Transmission methods for neuro-effective signals: This includes pulsed microwave (i.e., like radar signals) and ultrasound and voice-FM (transmitted through the air), which is also known as "Synthetic Telepathy."
While transmission of speech, dating from the early 1970s, was the first use of pulsed microwave, neuro-effective signals can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated. That specific technology is classified.
Pavlovian hypnotic triggers: A [Pavlovian] hypnotic trigger is a phrase or any sensory cue that the subject is programmed to involuntarily act in a certain way. MKULTRA survivors can still be triggered from programming done decades ago.
One of the main goals of the institutional/drug/child abuse phases of the CIA MKULTRA atrocities (1950's through 1970's) was to implant triggers using a "twilight state" (half-conscious) medication and tape-recorded hypnosis. The ultimate goal was to have the acting out of Pavlovian triggers erased from the victim's memory.
These triggers are now planted using either of the above two transmission methods, but with the words moved up just above (or near the top of) the audible frequency range. The result is that hypnotic triggers are planted without the subject being aware. This technology was used in the Gulf War as "Silent Sound."
Through-wall surveillance methods: This includes top end of microwave (near infrared), and the so-called "millimeter wave" scanning. This method uses the very top end of the microwave radio signal spectrum just below infrared. To view small objects or people clearly, the highest frequency that will penetrate non-conductive or poorly-conductive walls is used.
Millimeter wave scanning radar can be used in two modes: The first is passive (no radiated signal) and uses background radiation already in the area to be scanned. It is totally undetectable. The active system uses a (low power millimeter wave) "flashlight" attached to the scanner.
Thought reading: Thought reading can be classed as a form of "through wall surveillance" technology. In the unclassified and commercial realms, it is called thru-skull microwave reading, and magnetic skull-proximity reading.
Brain entrainment: This involves moods and sleep states, the reverse of biofeedback. The low frequency electrical brain rhythms are characteristics of various moods and states of sleep. Not only can they now be read out using biofeedback equipment or EEG machines, but also radio, sound, contact electrodes, or flashing lights. These moods and sleep states can be generated or at least encouraged using brain entrainment devices.
Brain entrainment signals cannot carry voice, which is a much higher frequency range. Brain entrainment can, however, be used to "set up" a target to make him/her more susceptible to hypnosis.